Job-Shadowing na Szkola Podstawowa im Wincentego Pallottiego

A professora de Alemão - Adília Batista, o professor de Espanhol - Alexandre Matos e a professora de Inglês Cristina Oliveira estão a fazer job-shadowing na Szkola Podstawowa im Wincentego Pallottiego . Uma partilha de experiências e metodologias pedagógicas, com as quais todos aprendem.

A dimensão europeia da educação está espelhada no trabalho que estes colegas desenvolvem.  


  1. El contacto entre la cultura portuguesa y polaca ha resultado en una magnífica experiencia didáctica. Hemos enseñado imágenes y palabras de nuestra cultura. También hemos hecho un juego con el Quizizz. Hemos aprendido tanto con nuestros compañeros y ahora amigos polacos. Gracias a todos por hacernos llegar más allá. El profesor de español, Alexandre Matos.

  2. This experience proved to be above par. The planning already promised that but it definitely was more than worth it. The host school welcomed us warmly and both our peers and students were very open and eager to share their experiences and also to learn about Portuguese language and culture. We prepared activities to ensure basic interactions could take place both in Polish and Portuguese.
    The possibility to observe lessons/activities and talk to teachers of all levels catered for a comprehensive experience. The same goes for the languages used during this period: Polish, English; Portuguese; German and Spanish. Language development certainly took place. It was great having the chance to discuss common problems and possible solutions and working more closely with some students.
    Needless to say, I enjoyed every single moment of this learning activity and I am all the more culturally richer. I cannot thank enough the coordinators for their overwhelming amount of work that enabled us to participate in this job-shadowing activity and our fellow Polish teachers who let us be part of their classes.
    Cristina Oliveira - TEFL (teacher of English as a Foreign language)


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